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Monday, September 28, 2015

Precious metals are red across the board on little news.

Precious metals are red across the board on little news. It seems that the continuing collapse of the copper prices on the profit decline of Chinese companies is spilling over into these markets. But the real loser in the group continues to be platinum which is baffling this me. The downward pressure on commodities might also be an effect of the snowballing price action is causing Glencore one of the largest base metal trading houses to be succumbing to the negative prices and putting them at significant financial risk. Yet no rate hike yet in sight maintains the gold price well above the $1100 dollar mark for now. With the Pope’s departure from the USA, precious metals markets are praying on getting some of that love he spoke so well about. In the end markets have no care and the money flows to where it sees profit potential. Where that is, is certainly not clear at the moment, as the Stock market is also is losing ground this morning.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Gold is holding firm over the 1100 which indicates strength

Gold is holding firm over the 1100 which indicates strength. Additionally today’s Retail Sales report were weaker than expected and though not as material the NY Empire State Manufacturing Index was way off the mark down -14.67.  These reports are continued indicator of less than lackluster performance of the US economy. With the Federal Reserve Interest Rate decision around the corner this Thursday we can expect to be very much locked into current levels with expectation to hold yesterday’s lows. Also this morning we had Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization both which missed expectations. Tomorrow’s Consumer Price Index should give a little more color as to whether we are truly in a deflationary environment. To most people wh live here it doesn’t seem that way. The world remains in turmoil with political conflict in the Mideast and most tragic Syria, China’s economic woes affecting outside customers and the US barely able to lift the rest of the weight. It continues to look unlikely that the current financial situation will change and we will remain status quo. The Federal Reserve is in  a precarious situation which is a problem for everyone. If they do not raise rates then money still waits on the sideline not certain when change will come. If they do it they may hurt the general economy. No one, including everyone at the FED is sure what will happen if they move. But one thing for sure is that the general populace suffers either way.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Westminster Mint is active in all sectors of the collectible Bank Note market

Bank Notes

Westminster Mint is active in all sectors of the collectible Bank note market including United States Banknotes, World Banknotes, Large & Small Size Currency, Fractional, Obsolete Banknotes, Colonial Currency, silver certificates, gold notes and Errors. Listed here is just a small selection of special offers and promotions.