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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Credit Suisse: There's A Huge Gold Oversupply, Time To Sell

Credit Suisse: There's A Huge Gold Oversupply, Time To Sell
Joe Weisenthal Jan. 18, 2010, 10:07 AM

A report from Credit Suisse (via ZeroHedge) argues against all this peak gold nonsense, and claims the price of the yellow metal will collapse amidst a downdraft in investor demand and a huge overupply.

Our analysis of the gold market

leads us to take a bearish stance with regard to the gold price in 2010. In 2009 we reasoned that the main drivers of the gold price were significantly linked to the trade weighted dollar, increased investment demand, central bank purchases and market sentiment. The increase in investment demand for gold ETFs, in our view, had an “accelerating and reinforcing effect” on market sentiment and the safe haven status of gold which resulted in upward pressure on the gold price which rose 24.6% during 2009. We do not expect the 2009 rate of investment in ETFs to continue at the same pace in 2010. Read more at

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