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Monday, September 30, 2013

There is still time for the “leadership” in Washington to put aside the petulance and come to some understanding

There is still time for the “leadership” in Washington to put aside the petulance and come to some understanding that would prevent a government shutdown when the clock strikes midnight tonight. However, market participants are taking the “once bitten twice shy” approach with a case of “sell the rumor buy the news”. The last time investors piled on the “government shutdown” bus the situation was averted. Gold has been pressured lower from last weeks close - most likely from a combination of month end/quarter end activities and the looming fiasco – and now trades nearly 1% lower to stsart the week. AMCU workers, who began striking at Amplats on Friday may or may not continue the work stoppage but platinums rather muted response may lead one to believe that a short term disruption has been priced into the market. Platinum trades ~$6 lower to start the day as market participants look for any signs that the issues at the world’s #1 platinum producer may drag on longer than expected. Have a great day!

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